{"id":859,"date":"2015-06-23T06:13:30","date_gmt":"2015-06-23T10:13:30","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/cindypotvin.com\/?p=859"},"modified":"2015-06-22T21:25:08","modified_gmt":"2015-06-23T01:25:08","slug":"5-great-snacks-for-the-coders-brain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/cindypotvin.com\/5-great-snacks-for-the-coders-brain\/","title":{"rendered":"5 Great Snacks For the Coder’s Brain"},"content":{"rendered":"

You’re coding and you’ve been in the flow for a few hours. Everything is going just fine, but then hunger strikes suddenly. Since you don’t have anything on hand, you go to the cafeteria or to a nearby caf\u00e9 to grab a muffin or a pastry full of sugar. When you sit down to resume coding while eating your snack, you feel good for a few minutes, but the sugar spike soon wears off. You start feeling like crap, and your productivity screeches to a halt. Sounds familiar?<\/p>\n


This happens to everybody from time to time. Working with your brain makes you hungry very fast, but eating a large sugary snack to compensate and topping it with an energy drink is the least productive way to go about it. If you’re well prepared and have good quality snacks on hand, you won’t feel like crap after eating and you will be able to resume coding in no time. Great snacks are also power foods that are great for your health, so it’s worth adding them in your diet.<\/p>\n

So here are a few snacks you should try:<\/p>\n